I’m new to this API, and I’m trying to figure out how to make a “Get a Resource Translations collection” request, but I’m not finding the documentation very clear, I’m not not sure how to format the request and where to put in the parameters.
Sorry for the noobish question, but thank you for any help!
Hello @killuaDev,
Thank you for reaching out to Transifex community.
According to your question the API endpoint is the next one
If you use Postman for example, you can use the following steps:
Step1: Need to create first an API toked as described here. The filter is described as the following filter[resource]=o:organization_slug:p:project_slug:r:resource_slug
Step2: The next image is how you can configure your API call in Postman with the required parameters
Step3: You need to add the API token in the Bearer Token Authorization type.
Step4: Below you can see the Headers
Then you can press the Send button
I hope to shed some lights on you.
Also, you can download OpenAPI specification examples here:
Transifex API v3
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,