How to Internationalize Apps with i18next + Transifex

Want the benefits of Transifex Native but your codebase is already localized with i18next? With this Transifex Native extension, you can easily use i18next in combination with TX Native to get the additional benefits that come with it.

We are talking about benefits such as over-the-air delivery, hassle-free extraction and push of content with a simple command, the option of attaching content metadata for a smoother localization process, and more. Find how you can get the extension in our documentation page!


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I have understood your question and I have solution for it. Just follow the following steps:

  1. Create a Transifex Account.
  2. Create React App.
  3. Install Dependencies.
  4. Create Components.
  5. Run the Website.
  6. Localize Website. Initialize Transifex. Add Translatable Strings. Push Translation Strings. …
  7. Changing Layout.
  8. Benefits of Transifex Native React SDK.
    Moreover visit cursed text generator for more details.