⚠️ Important Update About Transifex Native For Android

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Here is an important update we want to share with you.

Starting from Transifex Native for Android 1.3.0, the use of AppCompat is required. Appcompat | Jetpack | Android Developers. The SDK has a dependency to appcompat 1.6.1, but it has been tested to work with earlier versions as well.

Integrating the SDK with your activities still works by extending TxBaseAppCompatActivity. However, in the case where you have copied the implementation from TxBaseAppCompatActivity to your own custom base class, you will need to update it as the implementation has changed: transifex-java/TransifexNativeSDK/txsdk/src/main/java/com/transifex/txnative/activity/TxBaseAppCompatActivity.java at master · transifex/transifex-java · GitHub

Previously the wrapping code was:

private TxContextWrappingDelegateJava mAppCompatDelegate;

   public AppCompatDelegate getDelegate() {
      // Wrap AppCompat delegate
      if (mAppCompatDelegate == null) {
         mAppCompatDelegate = new TxContextWrappingDelegateJava(super.getDelegate());
      return mAppCompatDelegate;

and it changed to:

private AppCompatDelegate  mAppCompatDelegate;

   public AppCompatDelegate getDelegate() {
      // Wrap AppCompat delegate
      if (mAppCompatDelegate == null) {
         mAppCompatDelegate = TxNative.wrapAppCompatDelegate(super.getDelegate(), this);
      return mAppCompatDelegate;

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!