Struggling with GitHub sync and 'has no metadata to indicate the GitHub file path'

Hi @Cesar_Garcia thanks for the guidance!

I’m a bit stuck, because it seems the docs here: How to manage translations for Sphinx projects — Read the Docs user documentation 9.13.2 documentation are outdated - they refer to bulk mapping which I believe isn’t supported in the new Transifex CLI client.

How is it possible to achieve the same outcome with the new client? I’m happy to make a PR to update the Read the Docs documentation if someone can point me in the right direction.

I found cli/ at devel · transifex/cli · GitHub linked to from New Transifex Client: Mapping Bulk but I fear my knowledge of what’s happening under the hood is insufficient to know how to translate the old way into a script that can be used with the new client.

Could anyone give me a steer?