Complete Newsletter about Q3 Enhancements in Transifex!

Hi Transifex amazing community!

We are excited to share the latest Transifex releases with you!
Here are the updates we have released this quarter:

🌟 Editor enhancements

  • Handled ‘src’ and ‘href’ as translatable attributes in Transifex Web Editor
  • Added support for dark mode in the editor (Editor Preferences)
  • Added link to the resource the string is found (under the context tab in the editor, when a user selects to translate ‘all resources’)

🌟 Translation Memory Enhancements

🌟 Comments & Issues enhancement

  • Added “Reply All” option under the comments tab in the editor, where you can easily auto-tag all users that commented.

🌟 Transifex LIVE updates

  • Changed the day limit from 30 to 15 days for obsolete strings not detected by TX live during this interval

🌟 Machine Translation Enhancements

🌟 Integrations enhancements

🌟 File Formats

  • Extended our translation checks by adding one more for XLIFF and HTML files that is triggered when the order of tags is not preserved in the translation.
  • Bugs fixes

🌟 New languages in the Order Wizard

  • Added Chinese (Singapore) (zh_SG) and Hausa (ha) as options for E2f orders

🌟 Context Enhancements

  • Extended search functionality allowing users to search by key while mapping strings to screenshots

We hope you will find these updates helpful.

For the complete list of enhancements and to keep a track of all new features and bug fixes you can keep an eye on our “What’s New” page here.

Have y’all a great weekend!