Developers Localization CheckList

1. Project Basic Set up

a. [Create your TX projects] where the localization content will be hosted. This requires Organization Admin rights for the API token user.


curl -i -L --user api:(token)-d ‘{“organization”:“transifex-93”,“slug”:“myProjectSlug_100”, “name”:“My Test Project”, “source_language_code”:“en”, “private”: true,“fill_up_resources”:true,“maintainers”:“Adimit99”}’ -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST

Please note in the above the project maintainers have to be registered with Transifex, and the maintainer names are case sensitive.

b. Add the translation languages that your project will be translated to. This requires a minimum of Project Maintainer rights for the API user token.

curl -X POST -i -H “Content-Type: application/json” -L --data ‘{“language_code”: “fr”, “coordinators”: [“Adimit99”, “Admit19”]}’ --user api:(token)

Please note that the above call will also add language groups and define the “Coordinators” for that language, who can manage the translation team members.

c. As an option, if you have multiple projects and want to share translation memory across projects, you can enable Translation Memory Groups. Translation memory groups are available on the advanced plan and up.

2. Setup a Continuous Workflow.

Depending on where your localization content is hosted, you can check if any of our existing integrations can be used to automate the detection and workflow of new strings.
a. WordPress [only for websites that have not been previously translated]
b. GitHub
c. BitBucket
d. Zendesk
e. Drupal
f. Zapier (When using Google Drive, or Dropbox)

If you use any gitflow tool you can also use the following:
a. CLI Client (A simple command set that allows the update of source files and the pulling of translations in batches).
b. API (A rich command set allowing for the manipulation of a variety of Transifex entities).
c. Webhooks (Provides the ability to trigger webhooks when a Translation is 100% completed, reviewed, proof-read or auto-filled by Translation Memory).

3. Quality Tools

a. Set-up Translation checks for custom variables.
b. Create a glossary of terms for translators.
c. Enable automatic quality assurance checks for translators.