Hello, Transifex Community! I’m Carlos from the Customer Success Team . Today, I’m thrilled to share my first post for our “Did You Know?” series—your ultimate guide for insider tips and tricks to maximize your experience on our platform.
Today we are talking about XCSTRINGS file format.
Xcstrings is a file format used by Apple’s development environment to manage and store localizable strings in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications. Unlike traditional .strings files, Xcstrings supports advanced features such as translation variables and context-specific entries, offering a more powerful way to handle complex localization needs
Imagine this: now you can have your source strings and translations strings inside the same file, consulting and updating one single file using our Transifex CLI. Are you interested? Well let me explain you how to export through Transifex CLI and also push it into Gibhut/Bitbucket repository
• Configure Transifex CLI to read the XCSTRINGS source file and point the translations into the same file as it’s shown in the following example. You can find more information about configuring CLI here
• After configuring the CLI you will be able to push/pull Translations to Transifex using the tx pull -all, this will allow you to pull all the languages instead of pulling every target language using the tx pull -l command
• Once you’ve done pulling the translations from Transifex to your local environment you can push them through your Github, Bitbucket repository, just take your sourcefile and it will contain inside now all the relevant translations with the corresponding source strings
Are You Excited For This New Feature? We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and see how you implement this changes in your projects!
Join the Conversation: Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or want to share your experience with XCSTRINGS, join us in the comments below or in our forum. And don’t forget to stay tune in next week for another exciting “Did You Know?” Tip!