🎉 Elevate Your Translation Workflow with Transifex AI Tasks!

Hello Transifex Community :slight_smile:

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to introduce Transifex AI Tasks – a powerful solution designed to streamline your content translation process on a grand scale.

Unlock Effortless Localization:

Transifex AI Tasks is a robust solution for efficient content translation at scale. Whether you’re dealing with large volumes of content or aiming for precision in your translations, Transifex AI Tasks solution is here to make your life easier. You can create tasks to automate your localization workflow with AI-empowered translations.

How It Works:

In the Editor, select the strings you wish to translate, hit ‘Create Task,’ and you’re seamlessly guided through the task wizard.

Task Types:

Choose from three task types - Translate, Review, or Proofread. Tailor your workflow to match your specific needs. Whether it’s pure AI translation or a human touch, we’ve got you covered.


Flexible Task Creation:

Define parameters like title, description, and due dates to customize your task according to your project specifics. It’s all about flexibility and customization.


Task Management Made Easy:

All your AI Tasks are neatly organized in the ‘Tasks’ section, providing a central hub for tracking and managing them. Organized by due dates, it’s quick and easy to oversee your entire progress.

Explore the endless possibilities of efficient content translation – powered by Transifex AI Tasks!