๐Ÿš€ Introducing PR Prefixes for Enhanced Workflow Control!

Hello Transifex Community :slight_smile:

Your feedback and suggestions have been invaluable in shaping product improvements, and weโ€™re delighted to introduce a feature many of you have been eagerly anticipating: PR Prefixes for Git Repositories.

In 2023, we introduced the option to add prefixes to commit messages, enabling clearer identification and organization of translation-related commits in your repository. This feature has been a game-changer for many of you, offering enhanced clarity and efficiency in managing translation updates within your codebase.

Building upon the success of prefixing commit messages, weโ€™ve extended this functionality to Pull Request titles. Now, when translations are ready to be pushed to your repository via Transifex, you can opt to include a customizable prefix for the PR titles, further enhancing your ability to manage and track translation-related changes seamlessly.

Configuring PR prefixes is simple and intuitive:

  1. Navigate to Your Projectโ€™s Settings
  2. Manage Integration Settings
  3. Edit Sync Content Options
  4. Enable PR Prefixes

Explore this new feature and easily track translation progress and history within your repository, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage of the localization process.

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