GitHub integration issues

I’m setting up the GitHub/Transifex integration and I’m having some issues.

  1. I need to manual sync when languages are updated but incomplete. (This was previously discussed in Transifex should be able to push translations more often (transifex-github-integration) - #5 by mikegianno). It would be useful if this could happen automatically (weekly?)
  2. Manual syncs will create PRs with no changes, see for example Translate '/config/locales/en.yml' in 'fr' [manual sync] by transifex-integration · Pull Request #901 · JasonBarnabe/greasyfork · GitHub.
  3. My project uses dashes instead of underscores in locale names. I defined a mapping in my configuration to handle this, and while this has made it use the dashed version in the file names, the PRs sent still want to change the locale name within the file, see for example Translate '/config/locales/en.yml' in 'fr_CA' [manual sync] by transifex-integration · Pull Request #902 · JasonBarnabe/greasyfork · GitHub
  1. With Ruby on Rails YAML, missing translations are included as empty strings, which is incorrect. They should not be included - that way, the app falls back to the default locale.

Regarding #1, a story has been created for this. I cannot give a date on if/when that story will be implemented, though.

Regarding #2, this has been reported many times now. Again, I’m not sure if/when it will be taken up by our development team.

Regarding #3, a story has been created for this as well. The Product team is investigating how much work this will be.

Hi @Ryan,

Any updates on #1? We would very much like to have such a feature.

For us a manual sync is not always possible as a user needs to be a Project Maintainer to access the Send to GitHub button.

The thing is that we are incrementally updating our translation files. If we can adjust the percentages in the GitHub integration push options then that would already help a lot.

But for our use case the desired workflow would be as follows:

  1. Project contains resource A.
  2. 23% get translated to language B.
  3. Review the 23%, so 100% of the 23% is reviewed.
  4. Transifex bot creates a PR for the 23%.

Best regards,