New IP addresses for staging domains in TX Live projects

Hi all,

In an effort to improve our systems and services, Transifex is conducting an infrastructure update that will change external facing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

What do you need to do?

If you do not currently whitelist our existing IPs, you do not need to take any action.

If you do, you are required to update your IP address whitelists to allow connections to the following IPs: (existing) (existing) (new) (new) (new)

This list also contains the currently used IP addresses. Update your whitelist to include both the current and new IP addresses before June 25th, 2019. Please note that the old IP addresses will no longer be used after June 25th, 2019 - this is the point at which you can remove the old IPs from your whitelist.

In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
