Unable to push: i18n type is unknown

I’m involved in a long idled open source project that uses Transifex for translations platform.

The existing .tx/config:

host = https://www.transifex.com

host = https://www.transifex.com
source_lang = en_US
file_filter = po/<lang>.po
source_file = po/ibus-cangjie.pot

I recently updated the .pot file with new translation strings. But when I run tx push --source, I got this message:

Error: Cannot create resource, i18n type is unknown

The source files are in the folder po/:

  • po/
    • ibus-cangjie.pot
    • zh_HK.po
    • zh_TW.po
    • pt_BR.po

Please let me know how I can specify the “i18n type” for upload. Thanks.

Got my problem fixed. The problem was that:

host = https://app.transifex.com

file_filter            = po/<lang>.po
source_file            = po/ibus-cangjie.pot
source_lang            = en_US
replace_edited_strings = false
keep_translations      = false

Good morning,

I am glad you sorted this out. Yes the format of the config was outdated. Please make sure also to have your client updated to the most recent version.
You may see which version you have via tx --version.

Latest version of tx client is v 1.6.15
Kind regards