[Feature Request] Remove Existing Logo from Project


In the project settings, under the “General” tab, it is possible to add a custom logo to be displayed for that project.

Unfortunatelly, there is no way to remove that logo, it can only be replaced.

Could that feature please be added. I know it doesn’t sound as a priority at all, but it doesn’t seem too complicated to do and would make the whole project customization experience a lot nicer.


Hello Ascor8522,

Thank you for using Transifex and for submitting your feedback!

We really appreciate your input, since this is the best way to help us improve Transifex and we hope that you will keep on enjoying the whole translating experience.

I have already forwarded your comments about the picture removal to the relevant team and they will review your suggestions, but please keep in mind that implementing new features or applying any changes might take some time.

Best Regards