Add a function "Show all projects being translated into *langage name*"


I was thinking that it could a good thing to have a function maybe here: “transifex>explore>languages”.
When a user will click on the language name, it will show a list containing all the projects sorted by alphabetical order which are being translated in his/her language.
Perhaps it could be a good thing also to have the alphabetical order on a side to go quickly to the projects which have their names beginning by this or that letter.

Perhaps it could be also added a button “Join team” under each project.
Maybe the languages communities, will know, like that all the projects available for translation in their language and would be more efficient to translate these projects.

What do you think?

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Hello @Iriep,

I would like to thank you for your feedback.
We have forwarded your suggestions to our product team for further evaluation.
Once I have an update I will let you know.

Kind regards,

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