How to improve Persian texts

I am translating some of your courses to Persian language. Unfortunately, the suggested translation are not good and one has to retype almost all the meaning for a right text .
I think the Persian language structure and base can be modified to improve the text. I am offering my help to find a solution for that. Do you think I could be of assistance.
Ahmad Ghadri

Hi Ahmad,
Thanks for contributing in our community efforts!
I am not sure what is the project you’ve been translating, since there are many organizations in Transifex that provide with courses.
I would also like to mention that most organizations in Transifex depend on volunteers who translate the content during their leisure time. So the suggestions you might see in the suggestions tab are actually coming from the translation memory and other users translations.
You can contact the organization directly, or just go ahead and fix those translations in the public project.

Let us know if there is anything else you need assistance.


Thanks for your reply.

I was wondering if there are mechanisms or methods in which we could contribute for the improvement of suggested translation notes.

Hi Ahmed,
Thanks for the clarification! This is indeed a good question and an existing feature in Transifex :slight_smile:
There are a few ways to clean up translation memory (and suggestions consequently):

  1. Delete TM from the editor - the organization administrator will have to provide you with Maintainer permissions to do that.
  2. Delete TM from the project settings - the organization administrator will have to provide you with Maintainer permissions to do that.
  3. Clean up TM in bulk, downloading a TMX file. - the organization admin or project maintainer can send you a TMX file, you can delete the bad translation or replace with better suggestions, and you can send it back to the administrators. That’s the way they can overwrite the existing TM.

Of course, it is up to the organization to provide you with the permissions or TMX file, so the best thing would be to contact them directly and offer your help :slight_smile:

I hope it clarifies the question.
Kind regards,

Thanks for allocating time for my request.

However, I hope there are viable auditors to review the work to comment on the validity and authenticity of the proposed translation.

Best wishes,

Hi Ahmed,
Let me also mention that Transifex provides up to 3 translation steps: Translate, Review and Proofread. Most of the organizations rely on Translate + Review.
Also, we have a “comment and issues” feature within Transifex that allows providing feedback on translations.
To be able to review translations, the organization has to provide you with the “Reviewer” role.
I hope you understand that’s in not much we could do here, since every organization is responsible for the decisions they take. If you can contact us at, providing us with more information on the project you are working on, we can help you with figuring out the best way to contact the organization and offer help :slight_smile:

If you think that is something missing after you get the right permissions, we would love to hear your feedback!
Kind regards,