How to move content of one language from one project to another if the assigned team is different?

Hi. What is the preferred way to migrate one specific language from one project to another in Transifex, if the assigned team is different? This question arose for the translation of Handbrake on GitHub:

I know, there is a python script
But, it says, it will move all languages of the project. But, what about only one language from one project to another one?
Can you suggest easy and trouble free steps to solve this issue? Thanks.

Does nobody know? Really? Any help would be wonderful.

Hi @Nomis101,

Thank you for your question.

In order to do that, I would suggest you use our TX Client. You can easily set this up and get all the German translations at once. Then after updating your configuration file properly including the new project_slug where the files will be sent to, you can push them under the other project in Transifex without any manual work.

Does this help?