Context use in Transifex

  1. Written Forms of Context
  • Developer Notes

This information appears in the translation editor here:

These types of notes can be included in your source file, depending on your file type. The file types which support developer notes are the following: Android XML, Apple PLIST, Apple Strings, JSON (Chrome), Structured JSON, PO, Mozilla DTD, Windows resx,resw and resjson,xliff, xlsx and YAML.

  • String Instructions

If your file type does not support developer notes, then written context can be added in the form of a string instruction either manually or via the API. String Instructions appear in the same location as developer notes.

Translation Memory Context

  • You have the option to trigger TM auto-fill up tasks when both source and context matches are identified. For example the word apple can be used as both a fruit and brand name. By adding context to the translation memory term once can make such a distinction. This can easily be done by enabling the option “Translation Memory Context Matching” that can be found under your project’s settings (Workflow Tab).

  • These TM suggestions where both context and source string are a match will be shown as a 101% TM suggestion under the suggestions tab in the editor.

  • Those matches where only the source string is a match and the context is different are shown as a 100% match.

  • TM with Context will work with the following four file formats: XLIFF, PO, XLSX, QT. The context information can also be found under the context tab of the translation editor.

2. Visual Context:

  • For Mobile Applications

When creating Mobile applications, space constraints are at a premium. That is why we recommend our visual context feature which maps strings to screenshots. This will enable translators to physically see where on the tiny screen, the strings reside. Screenshots can be uploaded manually or via the API. Conversely strings can be mapped either manually or via the API as well.

The resulting mapping can be viewed in the translation editor. Source strings that have visual context are displayed with a little screen icon as seen below:

Clicking on the icon will allow you to view the mapping under the context tab in the editor as seen below:

Clicking on the screenshot in the screenshot list will open up the mapping. Note a string can be associated with multiple screenshots.

  • For Web Applications
  1. We would recommend using the Context for Files feature with your web applications. This feature pinpoints the exact location of a string on your web-page without any manual effort or programming. All that is required is the installation of a small javascript snippet on each web page in your app. This three line piece of code will then map your strings to your web-site.

Context for files works by providing a list of URL’s that are associated with a given string. As an example see the image below:

Clicking on a given URL in the list will open up the web page with the string highlighted as seen below:

If the string was not translated, then the original source text would be highlighted.

*** Transifex Live**

Within Transifex you have the option to translate directly on your web-site. This is called Transifex Live. Because you are translating directly onto your web-site you can see how all the strings are arranged on your site. This project type is useful if you are translating a web-site that has never been localized before or if you wish to get started quickly without necessarily involving your development team. More information can be found here.

3. Adding context by responding to comments and issues:

Oftentimes when context is not provided, translators will ask for it via a comment, or an issue. Issues differ from comments in that they need to be resolved. The responses to these issues and comments can be perceived as context. It is preferable though when responding to context related comments and issues to add String Instructions as well, as string instructions are more visible.

For more information on how to use context, please read the blog post here.

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