Glossary translation considered missing when it is not

I set and translated a glossary term with one variant, but using that variant’s translation results in the warning banner Glossary translation for term <term> missing from translation although the translated term is correct. I’ve had this in other situation, but I don’t recall which one.

My translation project has the glossary term “closure variable” and its plural variant “closure variables”, and their Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation “variável de clausura” and the variant “variáveis de clausura”. See here for their entry in the glossary.

An example of string that raises this warning banner is this one.

I’d like to request help understanding what’s wrong, as I’m unable to find a translation error.

Hello dear rffontenelle,

The issue is that in the translation string there are 2 hidden spaces just before the “de” term. Please see this attached image from comparing the two texts. On the left with 23 characters you will see the term from translation. On the right with 21 characters is the text from the glossary.

Somehow the translation provided to the editor had these two leading characters and this is why the warning is thrown.

Please delete the two space characters in front of the translation and resave the translation. This should solve the issue.

We remain at your disposal.