l try to push and pull through github action automatically, but it goes wrong and below is the wrong message .
tx INFO: Updating /home/runner/.transifexrc file...
tx INFO: Using TX_TOKEN environment variable. Credentials won't be saved to .transifexrc.
tx ERROR: Authorization Required
Error: Authentication failed. Please make sure your credentials are valid.
For more information, visit:
The contents of the .transifexrc file should look like this:
rest_hostname = https://rest.api.transifex.com
token = API token goes here
This article explains how to generate an API token. You have probably already done this but I’m just making sure we cover all our bases before moving forward to other possibilities.
Keep in mind that those tokens need to originate from your own account and that you have access to the organization and project you are trying to take action on.
Please let me know if any of these suggestions helped solve your issue and if not can you provide me with the project you’re trying to work on and receive this error from?
And l get the error from Github action , but it seems that only me have the access to look its detail , but l have provided the error message in my first post.
Besides, my .transifexrc file used to look like this.
I’m glad that you found a solution to your issue! From what I’m gathering, after you figured out how to solve the problem with the API token, there was another issue with your lock-translations.py file that you fixed, and after that, everything worked as it should.
Please let me know if anything else arises, and I will be happy to assist you.