How to search/ask for people helping with translating free software?

I’m a maintainer of a free (GPL licenced) software and looking for people helping with translation in multiple languages.

Can I just ask here in that forum? Is this allowed?

Does it make sense? I assume that here are thousands of requests like this.

Good morning dear Buhtz.

Welcome to the Transifex community.
Are you a user of Transifex ? Do you have an account or open projects with us?

Via Transifex you can attract or invite any translator who is willing to help you with translations. You can go public with your project so other Transifex users can see it and send you a request to help you if they are interested. Here is how you would manage your public profile.

Other than that , we as Transifex cannot attract or suggest any volunteer translators to your project.

Let me know if i can do anything else for you.

Kind regards

Hello Chrisb,
thanks for your reply.

No, I’m not a Transifex users and I’m not interested. I’m only interested in the Transifex community experienced with localization and things like this.

I prefer free software like Weblate and also free hosters like for localization.

Dear buhtz ,

Since you have a free software with GPL license you can always checkout Transifex and apply for the open Source projects which are free.

See here more details.

We remain at your disposal.

Kind regards

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Sorry, Christos I won’t make advertisement for Transifex by joining my FOSS project to your proprietary platform.
Your server software still is closed source.

It’s hard to read this because is against the feel of community. You’re here, you asked for help, if you dont’t want to use the platform it’s ok too, but you have a profile here, maybe if you add a link to wherever your project is hosted somebody can help you in your terms.