Reward system for huge translator/reviewer community

Hello everyone!

During a discussion with one of our partners, the interest was raised about creating a ranking/recognition system to reward translators’ and reviewers’ work (similar to a leader board) when having a huge community.

It would be highly appreciated if anyone could share a recognition system that is/was utilized in your company and provided benefits to the translators’ team.

Many thanks for reading this post, and hopefully looking forward to a reply :slight_smile:


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imo that kind of pride and status oriented motivation does not lead to the best translations. An algorithm can’t rank quality, only a board of judges could. If someone starts adding a whole bunch of fast and dirty translations that only makes work harder on the ones who take the job seriously.

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Hey Meteor0id! Your reply is well noted, and much appreciated :slight_smile: !


I am agreed. :sunglasses: Also, if we can make new innovations to create a reward for Translators who committed their time and effort to project for a better world, it would be nice to present appreciation to them as well. If we can brainstorm with the community we can make it work I do believe and have faith in us.

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Here are a few ideas:

  • Utilizing Translation Activity Reports to understand how many words each user translated, edited and reviewed for the desired timeframe
  • Promote/Upgrade translators who have proven to provide high-quality translations to reviewers
  • Design and implement rewards/recognition system for translators (you mentioned digital badging as a possibility, just something you’re currently exploring)
  • Acknowledge contributors’ efforts publicly within the community through newsletters, forums, or social media
  • Establish mentorship programs where experienced translators can guide newer members
  • Special Projects: Give dedicated contributors the opportunity to work on high-profile or particularly interesting projects
    Early Access: Offer early access to new tools, resources, or platform features
  • Impact Stories: Share stories and testimonials about how the community’s translations are making a difference in fostering a sense of purpose and pride