Maybe I’m just missing something, but…
Why can’t I horizontally scroll on the live editor? The entire right hand side of a website is cut off by the sidebar, and resizing the window or using the arrows does nothing. The arrows let you scroll vertically but not horizontally. The strangest part is that the sidebar ‘help’ button is hidden by Transifex’s “mail” button.
Letting the arrows control horizontal scrolling, or a ‘hide’ button would be great, but scrollbars would be better!
Hi Peter,
Thank you for leaving your message in our community! We value your feedback and really appreciate you taking your time to share these suggestions with us.
Could you please elaborate more (and maybe provide screenshots) of what issues you’re seeing with the scrollbars in the Editor? This will help us understand your suggestions a bit better.
The reason there’s no horizontal scrolling is because the whole text is displayed in a vertical manner. As for the “mail” button - are you referring to the mail button that’s available when trialing the product?
Sorry for the late reply.
It is in the live editor. I have included a picture to show what I mean.
Hi @Peter_Mulligan, thanks for the additional explanation!
So you were referring to the Transifex Live view, not the Editor mode. Now it’s clear!
Thanks again, I’ve passed this feedback to the product team for further evaluation.
Thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestions with us, we really appreciate your input.