Add filter "translator: not me" for better review selection


for Nextcloud project I am reviewing german messages.
As I translate myself as well I like to filter translations not done by me.
Right now I have no way to filter translations with an argument “not me” or similar naming.
I can filter by usernames, but not negated like available for other filter options.

What do you think?



Hello and thanks for leaving your message in our community!

Thank you for this suggestion - it’s a really good idea for a filter. We’ve added it to our backlog for further evaluation.

Thank you again for your valuable feedback and helping us improve the product!


Had a short conversation at our Nextcloud community and about 20 people responded in a few minutes.

Should I point them to here for voting? (Not sure if many of them will create an account)


Hi @rakekniven,

That would be great :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help with that.

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Hello @nina ,

any news about this feature?

Is it on your schedule?

Thank you for your reply.

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Hi @rakekniven,

Unfortunately, I do not have any news on that.

I will definitely let you know as soon as new information arises.

Thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

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i, personally, would think that the proposed feature of @rakekniven is worth to be implemented rather sooner than later.

so a +1 of rakekniven here from my side!


Hello @nina ,

is there any action on Transifex side related to this feature request here?

Today there is a green banner at top of TX website asking me to “Request a feature”.


Will this replace this forum section here?

Best regards

Hi @rakekniven,

Thank you for following up on this.

This feature request is part of our backlog already so no need to report this elsewhere. The Feature Request Board is currently used for collecting feedback for the next integration we want to build. That’s why you cannot see any other categories there.

As soon as there is an update about the specific filter option, we will definitely update the current post.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated :slight_smile:

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I personally think two almost three years for a new filter rule without any new information is taking a bit long, don’t you?

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Specially as this is just a new filter for the existing filter bar and not a totally new feature.
I am speaking for a paying custumer and would like to force this improvement.
Should I file a support ticket?

@Meteor0id , @rakekniven,

Thank you both for following up on this.

Your request is already part of our feature request list for the product team to consider adding to our roadmap.

I completely understand the importance of such a filter and I have already shared your comments with the rest of the team.

Unfortnately, I cannot provide you with an estimate of when this feature will be available. Also, no guarantees that it’s something we’ll have the resources to tackle in the short term, but I will definitely keep you posted on any further developments.

I am very sorry that we were not able to solve this for you at this time but hopefully, it can be added in the future!

I do find it unfortunate that we don’t hear if the rest of the team has any objections to this idea or if they are in principle in agreement with it.


Thank you for following up on this. Other users have also expressed their interest in this feature, and we can see why. We understand how building this feature would save you time when trying to find the desired translations in the editor.

Our development resources are currently limited but we’ve added your vote to the request and will revisit it as soon as we have the capability.

Thank you for your understanding.


any update on this?

Hi @rakekniven,

No updates on this yet but we will definitely keep you posted on any new developments on our end.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello @nina ,

I have been asking for this 3 years ago. There was no “no” or “yes”, just messages that I should be patient.
As a paying customer, I feel stalled and put off here …

Hi @rakekniven,

Thanks so much, again, for taking the time to write in and I’m sorry that I do not have better immediate news for you :frowning:

I can certainly understand how that might be frustrating for you, considering that this is a filter option that can improve your day-to-day work within Transifex.

I assure you that we take all customer feedback seriously and try to develop as many features as possible. We track all requests and try to prioritize them accordingly.

Our product team is aware of this need and we have been discussing this addition for some time now but unfortunately, we haven’t had the resources to provide a solution. However, this request is going to be re-evaluated in Q3-Q4. I will definitely keep you posted.

Hello @nina,

we have Q1 in another year.
Any update for me?

Hi @rakekniven ,

Unfortunately, I do not have further updates on this.

We understand that this is an important aspect of our product for you, and we appreciate your patience.

Our team is currently focused on other priorities but we are continuously evaluating our roadmap and will consider your suggestion in the future.

I will definitely keep you posted here on any developments regarding this feature.