Allow negate expression when searching for a string


It would be quite nice to negate expressions when searching for a string in the editor or on the “search string” page.

For example, I would like to see all the strings reviewed by people other than me, or all the strings translated by people other than me.

That would be very helpfull, especially for smaller teams, where only a couple of reviewers are actually reviewing strings.



Hi @Ascor8522 ,

Thank you for contacting Transifex support and letting us know what you are looking for.

I will definitely forward your feedback to the rest of the team so as to evaluate this further and decide how this can be addressed on our end.

When I have further updates on this to share, I will definitely let you know.

Thank you for having taken your time to provide us with your valuable feedback since it helps us to continually improve the standard of services offered and make important decisions.

Have a nice day!


This post is a bit old, but I wanted to “upvote” it.

When reviewers are also translating for a language we ask that they don’t review the strings that they’ve translated.

That would be much easier to do if they could filter all unreviewed strings not translated by a particular user. For example, something like this to exclude myself from the translations:

reviewed:no -translator:chrisg

For us the ability to exclude certain translators would be more valuable than a general ability to exclude any string.

Hello @chrisg ,

Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We will definitely update this post on any further developments on our end.

Kind regards,